About the Partners

The International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP) is a unique alliance of cancer research organizations from Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. The Partners share funding information to enhance global collaboration and strategic coordination of research between individual researchers and organizations.

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ICRP partners represent a wide range of governmental, public and non-profit cancer research funding organizations from across the world.

ICRP is a charity registered in England and Wales (Charity number: 1204566). Details of governing documents, trustees, annual and financial reports may be accessed via the Charity Commission's website.

Meeting Co-Chairs

  • Nigel Brockton, PhD (American Institute for Cancer Research)
  • Kimberly Badovinac, MA, MBA (Canadian Cancer Research Alliance)


  • Lynn Turner, PhD (Worldwide Cancer Research)

Website & Database Committee

  • Chair: Naba Bora, PhD (Congressionally-Directed Medical Research Programs)

Finance Committee

  • Chair: Kimberly Badovinac, MA, MBA (Canadian Cancer Research Alliance)

Annual Meeting Committee

  • Includes meeting Co-Chairs, Vice-Chair and others on rotation according to location of the meeting

Operations Committee

  • Chair: Katherine McKenzie, PhD (California Breast Cancer Research Program, USA)

Communications and Membership Committee

  • Chair: Louisa Salemi (Canadian Cancer Research Alliance)

Data Quality and Analysis Committee

  • Chair: Kimberly Badovinac, MA, MBA (Canadian Cancer Research Alliance)

Evaluations Committee

  • Chair: Kari Wojtanik, PhD (Susan G. Komen for the Cure)

Operations Manager

  • Lynne Davies, PhD

Previous Chairs

  • 2021 - 2022
    Paul Jackson, PhD (Cancer Australia)
  • 2018-2021
    Naba Bora, PhD (Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), U.S. Dept. of Defense)
  • 2016-2018
    Katherine McKenzie, PhD (California Breast Cancer Research Program)
  • 2015-2016
    Miranda Kleijn, PhD (KWF, Dutch Cancer Society)
  • 2013-2015
    Marc Hurlbert, PhD (Avon Breast Cancer Crusade)
  • 2011-2013
    Stephanie Birkey Reffey, PhD (Susan G Komen)

Each partner organization designates one or more person as an official contact for the ICRP and these individuals are listed below (in alphabetical order by country, organization and representative). Multiple staff members from organizations are welcome to participate in ICRP events, activities and projects.



Cancer Australia

Jacqui Real, PhD


Cancer Institute New South Wales

Emma Heeley, PhD


National Breast Cancer Foundation

Chris Pettigrew, PhD



Belgian Cancer Research Consortium (Representing 6 organizations)

Isabelle Nguyen, PhD

Gauthier Bouche, PhD



Canadian Cancer Research Alliance (CCRA) Representing 42 Canadian cancer organizations

Kim Badovinac, MA, MBA

Louisa Salemi

Sara Urowitz, MSW PhD



Fondation ARC

Sandrine Duboeuf, PhD

Gwendoline Depiedou, PhD

French National Cancer Institute / Institut National du Cancer (INCa)

Carla Estaquio, PhD



World Cancer Research Fund International

Giota Mitrou, PhD

Jana Sremanakova, PhD



Irish Cancer Society

Claire Kilty, PhD



Fondazione AIRC

Laura Galbiati, PhD



AMED Japan

Yuki Sato, PhD



Dutch Cancer Society / Kankerbestrijding (KWF)

Annemarie Weerman, PhD

Nasreen Anjum-Malik, PhD

Kim Elsink, PhD



Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC) (Spanish Association Against Cancer)

Marta Puyol Escolar, PhD



Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research

Alexandre Alencar, MD



National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Representing over 20 UK funders

To be confirmed

Worldwide Cancer Research

Helen Rippon, PhD

Lynn Turner, PhD



American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)

Nigel Brockton, PhD

American Cancer Society (ACS)

Linda Kee, PhD

American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)

Sabrina Joseph, PhD

California Breast Cancer Research Program (CBCRP)

Mhel Kavanaugh-Lynch, MD, MPH
Katie McKenzie, PhD
Senaida Poole, PhD

Coalition Against Childhood Cancer (CAC2) – representing over 20 funding organizations

Caitlyn Barrett, PhD

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), U.S. Dept. of Defense

Naba Bora, PhD

Melanoma Research Alliance

Marc Hurlbert, PhD

National Cancer Institute (NCI) - Center for Global Health

Kalina Duncan, PhD

Elise Garton

Satish Gopal, MD MPH

Tosca Le

Douglas Puricelli Perin, MPH, JD (Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc.)

National Cancer Institute (NCI) / DEA/RAEB

Marilyn Gaston
Ed Kyle
Beth Buschling

Oncology Nursing Society Foundation (ONS)

Anizia Karmazyn (Executive Director)
Aly Kocon (Foundation Programs Coordinator)

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (Pancan)

Donna Manross, BS
Reem Malek, PhD

Radiation Oncology Institute

Emily Connelly, PhD

Susan G. Komen® (Komen)

Kari Wojtanik, PhD