ICRP Partnership Application Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the International Cancer Research Partnership.  Please complete this application and upload the supplementary information requested below.  If you would like to download a copy of this form to review before applying online please click here.
World Bank Income Band:
Executive Director/President/Chairperson
Please tick/check your membership contribution Tier**
Please check your membership contribution Tier based on the criteria listed in the table below.
Tiers Research investment budget ($US dollars) Annual membership contribution ($US dollars) Annual membership contribution ($US dollars) [LMIC/UMIC rate, free in year 1]
VI $250M or over $25,000 $12,500
V $150M-$250M $12,000 $6,000
IV $25M-$149M $8,000 $4,000
III $10M-$24M $5,000 $2,500
II $5M-$9M $2,000 $1,000
I Less than $5M $500 $250
(**Please note that your annual membership contribution tier is determined by the current annual research investment budget reported here.  The currency exchange rate valid on the date of the membership application pack will be used to determine the US dollar value of your research investment budget. For organizations in LICs, MICs or UMCs, a free trial year is offered.)
Please Note that this individual will be expected to be an active member of the ICR partnership.  Active participation will include monthly teleconferences, membership of an ICRP sub-committee (e.g. research outcomes, data analysis, web development), management of your organization's submission to the ICRP database and participation in portfolio analyses.

Please confirm your organization's eligibility for membership and acceptance of ICRP's terms

In addition to this application form, please provide electronic copies (e.g. pdf) of:

  1. A letter from your organizations's Executive Director/President/Chairperson indicating commitment to the ICR Partners' Policies and Procedures, a statement of willingness to contribute financially (through the annual membership contributions) or to request a free trial year’s membership, and to contribute in kind (e.g. contribution of contact person's time)1
Upload requirements
  1. Documentation summarizing your organization's peer review process, including evidence of an open, competitive process for applications who meet established criteria.
Upload requirements

For details, refer to our Policies (PDF - 391KB)