Historic CSO Codes

ICRP reviews the CSO periodically, to include examples of new concepts in cancer research, or to resolve coding ambiguities. A summary of changes to the CSO is given below, and previous versions can be downloaded from the Downloads box.


  • CSO1.6
    Awards are now coded to either CSO1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 or 1.5
  • CSO6.8
    Awards are now coded to CSO 6.1
  • CSO7.1
  • CSO7.2
  • CSO7.3
    Research into model systems (CSO 7) is now included in the relevant "Resources & Infrastructure" categories of CSO 1, CSO 2, CSO 3, CSO 4, CSO 5 and CSO 6.


  • 1.6 Cancer Related Biology
    For internal use only by ICR Partners. For crosswalk purposes, previous 1.1 codes become 1.6
PDFCSO v1 - English 789 KB
PDFCSO v1 - French 170 KB
PDFCSO v1 - Spanish 192 KB